Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Bullet of White Ignorance Racism

meggugt @ LJ, states: Not to be rude, but Lynching is not just limited to blacks. Anyone could be lynched. Lynching is hanging, and in some places is still concidered a legal form of execution carried out by law inforcement. While Shinga's a sweetheart for apologizing, I don't actually see that she had a need. You're taking something that was once a common form of lawful execution here in the states and being over-sensitive about it because some racist ass-holes who lived years ago decided that it was ok to use it against blacks just because they didn't like them. What they did was wrong, but lynching isn't to blame, the people who did it are.
Please don't blame a thing or a term for the mistakes of a mass of stupid near sighted people.

Lynching is hanging, and in some places is still concidered a legal form of execution carried out by law inforcement.

Lynching is hanging, and in some places is still concidered a legal form of execution carried out by law inforcement

Lynching is hanging, and in some places is still concidered a legal form of execution carried out by law inforcement


Dear Meggugt of Livejournal,

Even Wikipedia wants to know wtf is up with your ignorance about lynching.


Y'know, if white people weren't so intent on continuing this mythology that it was just a few bad apples responsible for slavery and jim crow (and apartheid) - they wouldn't have to be so damn worried that there's a coming race war that needs constant stamping down through intimidation, rights denial and murder. And y'know, the world might actually get someplace.