Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Heaven preserve me from the white folk who say:

* But it's just fiction.

* It's nothing but a big flame war.

* It's PC overreaction that'll lead to blander and less interesting books because people will be afraid to offend.

* I can't say anything cause I'm afraid of being hit with the privilege stick for being afraid of being hit with the privilege stick.

* It's all people who want attention and to be shouty.

* Everyone involved in this is a victim of the internet! You can't read tone on the internet!
(Cause tone is really behind excluding an entire peoples as the ultimate problem solver)

* If the people wiped out were Muslim Arabs would you be as offended?!!! (nice bit of Islamicphobia there)

* All those people in the rollcall are just sockpuppets of white academia trying to make some point.

* These authors are nice people! They can't be racist!

* There might be a point somewhere, but if everyone was calmer and polite and rational with their points.

* People are casually tossing around the word RACIST/Racism
(because being called a racist/called on racist actions is more painful/powerfully upsetting than being the unwanting recipient of racist actions. White people's FEELINGS always/MUST ALWAYS come first.)(<-ETA)

No, I'm not gonna link to any of them. I'm busy poking Mozilla Add Ons so I can access Block Site. Cause all this does is confirm that YT is hard of hearing as well as blind. I kind of do wish that all those think-they're-progressive-white-SF-writers, would find these excerpts by their fellow whitefolk. Maybe they'd be shocked to see themselves reflected.

But I know that won't happen. There are none so blind as those who WILL NOT SEE. And I've been watching them walk into walls right in front of me (specifically) since 2008.

1 comment:

  1. I can't say anything cause I'm afraid of being hit with the privilege stick for being afraid of being hit with the privilege stick.Ever notice that the people who say this, usually end up doing the most talking? ;)
