Saturday, August 16, 2008

Sweet Merciful Heavens, I'm About To Slap Someone(s)


RushmoreDrive is not racist you small minded, penny ante, refuse to do your homework, idiots on the internet.

No it's not. No it's not. NO IT IS NOT!

A search engine for African American folk is just that, a search engine catering to and fetching results that are geared towards a demographic's specific needs and interests.

THERE ALREADY ARE WHITE SEARCH ENGINES. They're called; Google, Altavista, Yahoo, the new Cuido and all the rest.

Having a search engine that brings up facts about African American statics and diabetes, when one searches for diabetes is helpful to ME.

Having a search engine bring up Luke Cage and this lovely page about Milestone comics and other black superheroes and their fans is helpful to ME.

Not to mention that it brought up Urban Style Comics and an international superheroes site.

Type in superheroes in Google and what do you get? Two wikipedias', one superhero hype, a superheroes general database and PARIS FRICKING HILTON.

This has been an example of the difference in thinking when WHITE is not the default on a search engine.

ETA: 'They Don't Know' & a total nod to Delux Vivens


  1. Damn! I didn't even realize that the Wise Son: the White Wolf mini had ever come out. And MileHigh has them all in stock for like less than 8 bucks for all four. Must remember to order this when I get home...

  2. I didnt know about that search enging, thanks!
    That DMX song gets entirely too many opportunities for play.
    *bops in seat*


  3. I'd never have thought people would find a thing like that racist! There's already specialist search engines for all kinds of themes, after all... I'm glad the engine is finding some good PoC fandom stuff.

  4. Angeline:

    I'm slowly coming to the opinion that any reminder in any form that People of Colour live a different life experience than whites - thus making whites uncomfortable - is viewed as something racist (against whites, aka 'reverse racism'.

    Caveat exceptions for things that reinforced already perceived views aka Street Lit, Rap Music / Rap Videos etc.

  5. I'd say that any reminder that POC don't exist solely to serve white needs and wants- whether through servitutde, objectification, or as targets for blame, that's what these folks are calling "racist" these days.

  6. "any reminder in any form that People of Colour live a different life experience than whites - thus making whites uncomfortable - is viewed as something racist"

